Gallerie - A JQuery Gallery Plugin =========== Gallerie is a plugin that offers a basic lightbox-like gallery viewer of a collection of images. It features a simple overlay with a scrollable thumbnail list, image loading hint, as well as an image caption and index. The overlay thumbnails automatically scroll with the user's mouse and can be activated by click or custom event. Several methods exist to allow for extending the plugin with richer functionality through javascript. Usage =========== You can use gallerie by simply calling it on your existing collection of thumbnail links. For example, you could place the folling inside of `
` tags: ```html ``` Where you have your thumbnail images linked to originals in your ``: ```html ``` You can see [example.html]( for a basic example. ### CSS3 Gallerie supports CSS3 use of translate and transition for scrolling if is supported by the browser. There is also a separate [gallerie-effects.css]( stylesheet that can be included in addition to the standard stylesheet that will use some nice transition and opacity effects when changing images in the gallerie overlay. You can customize these further for greater effect. ### Chaining support Gallerie supports jQuery-style chaining. ## Demo You can find a demo of these [on my website]( ## Options Gallerie features several options that can be set at initialization or using the `.gallerie('option')` method. You can find a full description of the options below. Here is an example of setting all of the options at initialization: ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery').gallerie({ thumbboxTriggerWidth: 0.10, thumbboxSpeed: 0.5, imageEvent: 'click', elem: 'a', wrapAround: true }); ``` ### elem #### .gallerie('option', 'elem': selector) *Default: 'a'* Sets the selector that gallerie will use to find anchor elements for images. Gallerie will look use the href attribute of items it finds with this selector as the original image to display in gallerie. It assumes there is an img element inside of the anchor that contains the thumbnail (see [example.html]( **NOTE: setting elem using the option method may not have desired effect until you call `.gallerie('load')` method** ```javascript // typically we set this at initialization, not using option // only attach to links that have gallery-image class var $gallery = $('#gallery').gallerie({ elem: 'a.gallerie-image' }); ``` ### wrapAround #### value: boolean *Default: true* If set to true, the thumbbox will automatically warp around to the front or end of the list when calling next or previous methods, or when the user advances using keyboard input LEFT and RIGHT keys. ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // disable wrapAround $gallery.gallerie('option', 'wrapAround', false); ``` ### thumbboxTriggerWidth #### value: number *Default: 0.10* Sets the width of the edges of the thumbnail box in the overlay that will cause the thumbnail box to begin to scroll. A value greater than or equal to 1 is assumed to be in pixels. A value of less than 1 is assumed to be a percentage of the total width of the page. Thus, the value 125 will set a 125px width on both sides of the thumbox that will cause the thumbbox to scroll in that direction when the user hovers over the 125px area. A value of 0.10 will set the width to be 10% of the total window width. ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // change trigger width to be 100 pixels $gallery.gallerie('option', 'thumbboxTriggerWidth', 100); ``` ### thumbboxSpeed #### value: number *Default: 0.5* Sets the speed of the thumbbox scroll. This value starts at 0 (no movement) with higher values causing faster movement. You can try increasing/decreasing this value by 0.25 at a time until you are satisfied. ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // change thumbbox scroll speed to be fast $gallery.gallerie('option', 'thumbboxSpeed', 2.0); ``` ### imageEvent #### value: string *Default: 'click'* Sets the event on gallery elements that will cause gallerie to open. Accepts standard jquery event types such as `'click'`, `'hover'`, and `'dblclick'`. ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // open gallerie on hover event (because we like to annoy users) $gallery.gallerie('option', 'imageEvent', 'hover'); ``` ## Methods Gallerie features several useful methods that you can call from your own javascript to extend its abilities: ### close The close method will close the gallery overlay. #### .gallerie('close') ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // close the gallery $gallery.gallerie('close'); ``` ### isOpen Returns true or false indicating whether gallerie is open or closed, respectively. #### .gallerie('isOpen') ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // only advance image if gallerie is open if ($gallery.gallerie('isOpen')) { $gallery.gallerie('next'); } ``` ### load The load method can be used to re-load images in the gallery and is useful if you have programatically changed your images after initializing gallerie. Note that images are automatically loaded upon initialization and this method only needs to be called if your images have been modified since first calling `.gallerie()`. #### .gallerie('load') #### .gallerie('load', element) The element is the link anchor element that you want to search for and consider as the base of your original image, such as `'a'`. If you do not specify an element, gallerie will use the elem specified during its initialization. ```javascript var $gallery = $('#gallery'); // perhaps we load another image into our gallery $image = $('